We talk about functional nutrition in a way that no one is: we talk about how healing applies to REAL people, and how to make health information REAL for you.


We are bringing individual experience back into podcasts.

If it's not valuable and honest, you won't find it on Quiet the Diet.

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Quiet the Diet is a space for people who have heard both sides of every argument in the nutrition space...

...and finally want to hear a nuanced argument and a middle ground that takes every single person’s experience into account.


I’m a Functional Registered Dietitian and Patient Advocate born and raised in NYC.

To put it bluntly, I think our healthcare system in America is broken. Patients are ignored. Practitioners are financially rewarded for recommending pills before considering the whole impact on the patient. And our food system isn’t helping...

My goal is to empower an army of self-healing advocates who aren’t ashamed of their health.

Because you deserve to feel heard. You deserve compassion. You deserve to heal. And I’ll be there every step of the way.

Get to Know Me

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Learn to eat and heal with intention. My integrative and compassionate approach to functional nutrition and body positivity will help you to sort through nutrition confusion so you can make autonomous food decisions every time you eat.

The goal of “Quiet the Diet” is to empower listeners to make health decisions autonomously, every single time they eat.  Whether you're looking to improve your health and well-being or just want to learn more about functional medicine and body neutrality, "Quiet the Diet" has something for everyone. 

Listen to the Quiet the Diet Podcast

How to Work and Learn With Us

Here are the many ways we can connect and work together: 

Spoiler Alert: there are some awesome free options 😊

The Podcast

Quiet the Diet is the podcast that bridges body positivity and functional nutrition, and helps the listener to explore what is means to truly eat with intuition, intention and independence.

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The Highly Sensitive Body (HSB) Hub

The Hub is a place where you could find educational support, inspiration, and validation - a hub not bound by linear courses, but overflowing with information and extensive resources. It's a safe haven for those who have felt unheard and misunderstood in their health journey.

Learn More About the HSB Hub

Free Guides

Get started on your nutrition journey by downloading any of our free guides!

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One On One Nutrition Coaching

Work with one of our five amazing functional practitioners providing one-on-one nutrition and lifestyle coaching.

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Just Start Somewhere

8 week Fitness & Nutrition Guide

Just Start Somewhere is our step-by-step Ebook, walking you through exactly how to get back into (or get started with) a workout routine and healthy nutrition habits!

Over 150 pages of worksheets, workouts, nutrition tips, personal inventories, and more!

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